About Us
A Modern Recycling Facility for Scrap Metals
Lucky Recycling has developed invaluable expertise in the non-ferrous and ferrous scrap metal recycling sector. It functions as an automated operation with liaison offices and recycling facilities in the Middle East. The exceptionally managed and regularly updated facilities have been recipients of numerous international certifications and awards.
These external certifications attest to the superior standards of operations practiced by the recycling organization and highlight its policies that allow these standards to continuously evolve with current global trends. Lucky Recycling is committed to nurturing its position among the topmost businesses in the scrap metal recycling sector and acknowledges its responsibility to both the industry and its dedicated constituents.
Lucky Recycling also recognizes the duty it owes to its clients and the environment and no process or step is taken without identifying elements that deter this responsibility. Identifying and eliminating causes for environmental damage, product inaccuracy and any degree of customer dissatisfaction remains a top priority.
PRESIDENT'S Message Iqbal Shaban